
2013–2019 Printmaking 2, AVU (Vladimír Kokolia)
2017–2018 Australian National University, Canberra, Austrálie

About the work

What should people know about your work?

That it’s not serious, overwhelming, immensely heavy… overbalanced / from inside of me, externalised, through a filter onto canvas / drawing is important / the triple combo (spray paint, acrylic, oil pastels) / inverted drawing on material / material inverted onto a drawing? – probably not / but in fact I don’t actually draw, I paint or stucco / everything is recumbent, so I can lean on it properly.

“Filip, what’s important to know about my work?”
“Hmm… that it’s kind of expressive, yeah.”

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

Several possibilities of my vision of myself and my work:
a) I’ll plant a tree in the studio; family; working on scaffolding.
b) I’ll look for timecode slates while editing a film and become a Sunday painter.
c) Nomadic lifestyle. Work and make art in Berlin.
d) My own studio, finished bathroom, garage art business in full swing.
e) A fine-tuned combination of options a), b), c) and d).