
2017–2019 Intermedia 2, AVU (Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Záhoranský)
2017–2018 Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta, Indonésie
2016–2017 K.O.V, studio Evy Eisler, UMPRUM
2013–2017 Intermedia 2, AVU (Jiří Příhoda)

About the work

What should people know about your work?

Since November 2018, I have been entering art, sculptural and sculptural-architectural competitions. The task is to do them all, regardless of the brief and the time available.

While competing I am discovering facts that closely touch upon the development and conclusion of my diploma work.

I come across assignments that I enjoy, as well as ones that aren’t to my liking. I struggle with time pressure between the deadlines of each call and sometimes with tortuously articulated briefs.

I try to further use the energy invested in the competitions for the emancipation of the fragments which remain after handing in each assignment.

As a conclusion I have acquire two starting points:

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

I would say that I will be part of some large project (personal, public, family, studio, camp, educational, natural, my own, universal).