
2020–2021 Figural Sculpture and Medal, AVU (Vojtěch Míča)
2012–2017 Figural Sculpture and Medal, AVU (Vojtěch Míča)

About the work


In the last six years, Tereza Krninská Bušková, a graduate from the Figural Sculpture and Medals studio, has focused on the subject of children, because they are part of her personal and artistic life. She tried to go through the diploma thesis in the simplest possible creative way. Kids love to do what their parents do. She thus let children and colors intervene in her sculptural work. The children are not shy, they do not think at length about the colors they choose, how deep they are, how thick brush they use. They are the best teachers of immediacy. Here and now, you have a brush and paint. The reliefs of Krninská Bušková‘s painting children are therefore enlivened by the inspiration of the small masters of a colorful palette.