

2013–2019 Drawing, AVU (Jiří Petrbok)
2017 Ateliér Malby prof. Christiana Macketanze, Drážďany, Německo

About the work

What should people know about your work?

The theme of contemporaneity in painting is a major challenge for each incoming generation of artists. This issue always asks two basic questions: what is a painting and what is contemporaneity? One is conditional on the other. One is lost in the other. It necessitates the development of a subsystem within the framework of an existing language system, in this case painting, which would be able to articulate the concept of contemporaneity as a state stretching between the present and its prerequisites. The diploma work entitled PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE targets this problem. On the basis of a constructed spatial continuity, which is a conscious illusion, the painting synthesises a kaleidoscope of time-lapse situations, episodes, and human gestures, which although gathered from computer memory are at the same time Irretrievably lost in the past. A strong inter-generational theme is being delineated here: the relation between substantive and false time as a mirroring of what is and is not experienced. Butterfly effects crisscross the wasteland of the digital epoch. Errors from the past emerge as unexpected emotions. Figuration is deformed by the phenomenon of uncritical timelessness.

(text written by Petr Vaňous)

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

Five years from now my hair will be long again and if things go well the length of my fringe will correspond to the length of the rest of my hair. Hopefully I won’t get fat.

Art? Well, I’ll be making it, but I’m not going to be so bold as to try to guess if it’s going to be of interest to anyone other than my friends.