

2018–2019 Painting 3, AVU (Josef Bolf)
2018 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Španělsko
2013–2018 Painting 3, AVU (Michael Rittstein)

About the work

What should people know about your work?

Afektivní krajiny (Affective Landscapes) are concerned with recording the energy of the movement of a body at a given moment. The paintings exhibit characteristics of performative, gestural painting, for which an emotional, uncontrolled way of working is typical. My journey towards this approach led me through an investigation of the theme of landscape and its subtle, delicate component, which became manifested as a search for a form of painting that could materialize the fleeting moment and the personal experience of the artist in the landscape. For example, it is evident in the repetition of a single motif where the effort to render a fixed moment alternates with an interest in the process of creation itself, coupled with the movement and energy of the body. Furthermore, Affective Landscapes could be described as an analytical-critical form of searching for an approach not only to artistic practice, but to oneself.

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

Evidently, something is ending and something new is beginning. I’m trying to think positively and am ready to go after what I want regardless of whether or not the road will be thorny. I am aware of the fact that in order to be happy, a person should do what they find fulfilling. And if it works out for me, the period in five years’ time should not be very different from the days I spend in the studio today, working on new projects and amongst people that are making art and are have an interest in the art scene.