
2015–2020 Intermedia 3, AVU

About the work


During his studies, Václav Doubek incorporated various approaches into his repertoire, employing, for instance, ready-made objects, photography, and video. The choice of medium was determined by the idea he wanted to express at the time, or the medium itself had determined the origination of an individual work – and it often was the combination of both. Objects of everyday use, things deprived of their original purpose, destroyed objects, failed photographs, unused videos, and rediscovered objects of interest: all these became the cornerstones of the artist’s final works.

The diploma thesis presented by Doubek contains art produced in various media. Just as the structural elements communicate in a particular work, the works interact with each other. It is about exploring an energy that can accumulate and at the same time expand into space. The thing as such is defined in relation to another. Autonomy does not work on its own.