
2017–2023 Painting 2, AVU
2019–2020 UMPRUM scholarship, Visiting Artist Studio, Justin Fitzpatrick
2020 Iceland University of the Arts scholarship, Reykjavik

About the work

Who Is Who

#chaos #hybrid bodies #a fractal of associations #cyber structures #mediumism

What is your graduation work about?

I naturally develop and explore subjects that have long interested me, endeavoring to reflect on the relationship to chaos in contemporary culture and power systems. I am also interested in the impact of cyber structures on the perception of reality and the issue of free will in the current situation context. I am in a state where I have many paintings in progress, but all unfinished, nor am I at the selection stage. At the moment, I am trying to integrate more space for the unknown into my hitherto artistic practice. Existing speculation and its methods are limiting for me, so I am trying to variously inspect the processes that overtake the rational and analytical in the painting process. Not settling for the realization of an idea is my fun activity of the last weeks and months.

What do you do besides your graduation work?

I spend the vast majority of my time in the studio, trying to convince my brain, in the most ways possible, that I am not obliged to create – which is one of the few mindsets when I can enjoy painting. One of the techniques that help is staying dressed in civilian clothes and combining the painting process with play, where the aim is not to get dirty. These two activities result in a bouncing atmosphere I am happy to be in.

I also like to read, meditate, and get entangled in relationships with other people. I also love spending time in the company of aged wood and stones.

In what conditions would you like to work on your graduation work?

An all-inclusive stay in a deprivation tank separating me from all outside stimuli could be close to ideal conditions, provided I have unlimited access to a high-quality St. John’s wort dry matter.

What would you imagine to be an alternative culmination of your studies at AVU, in place of the defense of your graduation work?

These could be photographic reconstructions of famous images of ectoplasm from the early 20th century. A student from whose body their supervising teacher or educator would sublimate during this spiritistic séance would be declared ineligible and would have to continue studies. The revelation of either a different form or a student’s crypto-portrait would initiate a bureaucratic pilgrimage, the end of which would bring a successful completion of the studies.