
2018–2019 Restoration of Sculptures, AVU (Jan Kracík)
2013–2018 Restoration of Sculptures, AVU (Petr Siegl)

About the work

What should people know about your work?

My diploma work included the restoration and complete reconstruction of the original Gothic, wooden polychrome sculpture Madona z Raspenavy (Madonna of Raspenau), the complex restoration of the Baroque, stone polychrome sculpture Sv. Augustin ze Zaječova (Saint Augustin of Zaječov) and the preservation and restoration of the torso of Muž s holí (Man with Walking Stick) from the 1930s. Each subject required an individual approach and work methodology in terms of artistic, historical, and technological perspectives, as well as craftsmanship. At the same time as restoring these sculptures I also wrote a theoretical paper on the theme of injection technologies for repairing silicon-based materials. Unlike the restoration work, the written thesis was focused purely on technological issues.

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

I’m open to the world to the degree that I do not wish to focus exclusively either on working as a restorer for an institution, or on working solely as a freelancer. I’m interested in both, since each option offers different possibilities and adventures. So, I think that in a few years I might be collaborating with a public or private organisation caring for historical monuments, while at the same time working my own modest studio where I can work on commissioned restorations, but also execute my own artworks. It’s very likely, however, that in order to gain further practical work experience I will be collaborating with other, more experienced restorers for at least the next five years. Last but not least, I would like to focus on ways to inspire children and make them enthusiastic about the arts and crafts, as well as tutoring young artists.