
2017–2023 Restoration of Painted Artworks, AVU
2006–2012 University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Education, Art Teaching

About the work

The Mural Painting Technique of Josef Matěj Navrátil

#restoration #documentation #research #deadline #time #tesselation

What is your graduation work about?

  1. The mural: fixing the layer of paint that peels off from the base in extensive sections. Removal of impurities, secondary varnish, overpainting, and retouching. Final retouching, application of protective varnish layer.

  2. The statue of The Madonna of Březno: petrification of degraded parts of the wooden body, removal of surface impurities, thinning of degraded varnish layers.

  3. The oil painting on canvas – Putti Blowing Soap Bubbles: removal of secondary varnish layer and degraded rentoalage canvas. Consolidation of and leveling the canvas matter, fixing of loose paint layer, removal of secondary oil retouching. Cementing of damaged parts, retouching, and application of protective varnish layer.

  4. The oil painting on a wooden panel – The Calvary: stabilization of the panel, cracked and degraded longitudinally due to improperly applied tesselation on the reverse, partially embedded in the mass of the panel. Making a stabilization bed corresponding to the panel’s profile and curvature. Removal of inappropriate construction, filling in the loose mortises with a series of profiled aged oak segments. Fixing the loose paint layer, removing extensive overpainting and inappropriate sealants. Cementing, retouching, and finishing protective varnish coat.

What do you do besides your graduation work?

I sleep.

In what conditions would you like to work on your graduation work?

I would welcome a longer-term conditions.

What would you imagine to be an alternative culmination of your studies at AVU, in place of the defense of your graduation work?

I have nothing against the graduation work defense.