
2020–2023 Drawing, AVU
2019–2020 AVU, Šaloun Studio, Visiting Artists Studio Paulina Olowská
2017–2019 Drawing, AVU

About the work


#human intervention #interconnectedness #growth #resonance #imprint

What is your graduation work about?

My work focuses on human intervention, which I render via painting, drawing, and objects. I explore human environmental intervention in the context of climate change and the imprints of phenomena and events in interpersonal relationships, such as the impact of a determined environment and personal growth. I thus create both real and unreal environments inhabited by figures exposed to absurd situations illustrating various issues in human society. The work’s title refers to human relationships and standpoints and their projection onto other people or the environment, making a trace with material or emotional memory that mirrors back. It underlines the importance of the interconnectedness of everything and everyone and leads viewers to a better attitude toward themselves, others, and the planet.

What do you do besides your graduation work?

When I do not paint, I love long walks in nature, traveling, personal development, and exploring different cultures and attractions. I also enjoy krav maga and volunteering at camps with disabled people. I perceive, observe, and let everything constantly surprise me.

In what conditions would you like to work on your graduation work?

I would have preferred to create my graduation work in a larger studio. And yet, I am grateful for the conditions under which I could have worked.

What would you imagine to be an alternative culmination of your studies at AVU, in place of the defense of your graduation work?

The ritual of looking into the fire and then saying, all’s good!