
2016–2020 Figural Sculpture and Medal, AVU (Vojtěch Míča)
2019 scholarship, Intermedia 2, AVU (Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Zahoranský)
2014–2015 Figural Sculpture and Medal, AVU (Jan Hendrych)
2010–2014 VOŠ Jablonec nad Nisou, Medaile (J. Dostál, J. Oplištil)

About the work

Dagmar Kropáčová Morová’s diploma consists of figural sculptures, a traditional sculptural genre, and portraits. However, the artist strives to re-evaluate realistic representation and to supplement it with other methods, which are already conceptual and simultaneously still related to sculptural practice. Her aim is not to depict the real appearance of people but her subjective idea of them. She gradually stripped the figural sculptures, exhibited in several versions, of all descriptiveness, at the same time preserving their original expression into the maximum. The casts originate from the individual stages of this process – it is from a single basis, which changed over time –, while Morová eventually fused them into a single installation. The second part of the diploma, based on portraits, is conceived similarly. And although every work has its autonomous qualities and can “work” separately, Morová created a dynamic configuration resembling a crowd.