

2018–2019 Painting 3, AVU (Josef Bolf)
2013–2018 Painting 3, AVU (Michael Rittstein)
2017 Universitatea Nationala de Arte, Bukurešť, Rumunsko

About the work

What should people know about your work?

It is a portrait of my room which becomes a contemplation of the spatial arrangement around us. I’m interested in reverse engineering the space I move in and am part of. I investigate its internal architecture, composed of furniture or various casually dropped items, attempting to map aspects of it that are often disregarded. In a given room, I map spatial, light and colour relationships which reflect my own subjective perception of space. I try to attain the spatial atmosphere of a place in my large format paintings by employing stylisation, expressive execution and an approach verging on stage design. In their monumentality, the paintings give the impression of walls removed from an apartment, sometimes reinforced using corner diptychs.

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

Regarding my six years at AVU, which seemed to fly by in no time and were marked by cultural events, trips abroad, making art or having consultations, I would very much like to stay in touch with art and people who have a need to create and similar interests to me. I want to avoid trying to exactly picture my future and the direction where my practice is heading, so as not to end up clinging to this vision too much, preventing me from being flexible. Nonetheless I would like to combine my personal life and work in a way that would enable me to devote time to fine art. I hope that in the coming period I’ll be able to smoothly continue with my work and will find another similarly creative environment like the one at AVU.