
2022–2024 Figural Sculpture and Medal, AVU (Vojtěch Míča)
2018–2022 Painting 2, AVU (Vladimír Skrepl)
2020 exchange at Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara, Italy
2015–2017 FaVU VUT, Brno, Painting 1

About the work

Atmosphere of atmosphere

Vanda Kováříková’s work is characterized by the repeated use of landscape motifs and various atmospheric phenomena. She is fascinated by light and the way it strikes the surface of objects with a certain intensity and range of colors, or how it saturates the air and changes not only the character of the landscape but also the mood through which we view a particular space and situation. She is fascinated by never-ending and unstoppable transformations, by creation and disappearance, by waves of cycles. She allows herself to be carried away and touched by the beauty of phenomena that contain both eternity and ephemerality – ephemerality in its eternity.

The theme of Kováříková’s graduation work is the greenhouse – or rather the figurative meaning of the word, which she understands as a protected space where anything can be born and germinate in an environment that has been separated from its surroundings, either figuratively or physically. But you cannot have a greenhouse without the surroundings from which it might be created. It brings to mind the fragility of the bubble into which the mind is transformed during the creative process. The greenhouse as an imaginative space is a place of ideas and their transformation as they are made flesh. It can be inside us, a fixed point that we nurture. It can even be our inner landscape, bounded only by the limits of the imagination.

Vanda Kováříková’s chosen medium is stone, a material that evokes images associated with birth, death, and duration, with geological time. Stone carries much information that, though not always immediately legible, encourages us to think about time, which transcends us. That is why she views it as so sacred. Similarly, in the way that it guides and captures light, for Kováříková the relief is better suited for expressing her sensibilities than painting, the medium from which she originally came.