
2019 New Media 2, AVU (Kateřina Olivová)
2016–2018 New Media 2, AVU (Anna Daučíková)

About the work

What should people know about your work?

My graduation work examines the theme of personal relationships with impersonal information. Overlapping one layer with another creates points located on a sliding scale from the intelligible to the incomprehensible, visibility to concealment.

The work is composed of several parts, steps that I would describe as follows: reading the information system; transforming the printed structure; representation without surface. Can an incision through something be a means of communication? Fragments of the punctured structure are assigned different meanings.

The individual parts are interconnected in the installation.

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

Five years from now I’d like to be able to answer that for a second year running I’ve been working on an interdisciplinary project that is sufficiently interesting to continue and is not yet nearing its end.