

2017–2024 Sculpture 2, AVU (Tomáš Hlavina, Jimena Mendoza)
2023 Intermedia 2, AVU (Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Záhoranský)
2022 exchange at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Finland
2021 exchange at AVU, Studio of Visiting Artist (Pavel Büchler)
2020 Painting 1, AVU (Robert Šalanda)

About the work

Take Root

In his works, Matěj Liška explores the themes of care„ and upbringing, the mutual effect of one element on another, processing, and the impact of collisions as a whole. Such conflicts are not limited to social settings or systems, but can also be found within the family, in friendships, or when looking at oneself. The question thus encompasses and affects all personal efforts at setting down roots in the systemic foundations of the world in which we live – with an awareness that everything, starting with our very first steps, is an unconsciously conscious effort at putting down social roots.

While Liška’s early works explored specific urban, linguistic, or gallery-related phenomena and the relationships found in these situations, his more recent pieces have increasingly addressed issues based on personal experience – social issues, if you will: universal concepts of reality, truth, and what is normal, good, or bad, i.e., concepts that we consider universal but that by definition cannot exist in just one form on a surface larger than the expanse of an individual’s mind.