
2017–2023 Painting 4, AVU
2022 Universitad de Barcelona scholarship, Spain
2021 scholarship, Sculpture 2, AVU

About the work

Deaf Arch

#suffering #melancholy #uneasiness #transience #peace

What is your graduation work about?

It is a series of paintings connected to make a large arc construction (6 – meter radius). The resulting arc creates a space without clearly defined and expectable rules.

What do you do besides your graduation work?

Apart from my graduation work, I am now solely concerned with sources (films, literature, visual arts, and music) that I draw from and influence me in some way.

In what conditions would you like to work on your graduation work?

I cannot imagine more favorable conditions for creating a graduation work, but that does not mean they cannot improve. And if I would change anything, it is various circumstances that I cannot influence. On the other hand, they, too, are central to how I work and think, so I would not change anything.

What would you imagine to be an alternative culmination of your studies at AVU, in place of the defense of your graduation work?

Although it is rather demanding for me to present my work in front of a committee, the studies at the Academy head to this for six years, so it is nothing one would not expect.