
2018–2024 Restoration of Sculptures, AVU (Jan Kracík)
2021–2022 exchange at Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Warszawie, Poland Study exchanges in Vienna, Venice, Florence, Rome

About the work

Tereza Jeřábková’s main focus is currently on the restoration of stone sculptures and polychromed wood. In the restoration process, she deals with damage to the works in such a way as to preserve their historical value and authenticity with a view to the original artist’s style.

Jeřábková’s graduation work consists of four parts. The first is a stone statue of Our Lady Immaculate from the Klatovy / Klenová Gallery, part of a set of six Baroque sculptures from the second half of the 18th century. Next, she restored a polychromed wooden statue of St. Matthew from the National Museum’s central depository in Terezín. The sculpture dates to 1736 and was originally part of the interior furnishings of the now defunct Church of Sts. Philip and James in Prague-Smíchov. The third part involved the creation of sgraffito based on a historical depiction of Samson fighting the lion from the Renaissance part of the castle in Benátky nad Jizerou. And the final part was her written thesis, in which she explored the use of silver plating and imitation gold on polychromed wooden sculptures.