Slavomír Peterka↓
2018–2021 | Architecture, AVU (Miroslav Šik) |
2020 | stáž v malířské přípravce |
2019 | stáž v Architekturbüro Sik AG, Curych |
2018 | pracovní stáž v Schenker Salvi Weber Architekten ZT GmbH, Vídeň |
2016–2018 | FA ČVUT (magisterské studium, ateliéry Kuzemenský Synek, Klokočka Zdráhalová, Cikán, Císler Pazdera) |
2013–2016 | FA ČVUT (bakalářské studium, ateliéry Nacházel Nacházelová, Cikán, Kuzemenský Synek, Císler Pazdera |
About the work
Housing Estate City. Public Space
The assignment of the five graduates from the Architecture studio was, in general, the Housing Estate City. The students agreed to redesign the Bohnice housing estate in Prague via the idea of living in a landscape, while strictly avoiding the current trend that promotes dense urbanized area. They therefore focused on places important for the community, situated along the main roads of the site and facilitating the elementary (today merely functional) aspects of life in the city – housing, work, education, and leisure. The result of the project is a spatial and ideological ensemble, which will fix this yet incomplete part of the Bohnice district.
Slavomír Peterka’s diploma project aims to cultivate the fifth façade of the city – the public space stretching along the main roads of the Bohnice housing estate – in order to define “a place”. From the structural point, it is divided into three categories: transportation, construction, and landscape. Each of them is represented by several urban and architectural elements. The redesign aims to change the way how the site is used, to examine and modify the degree of its density, to provide a new transportation concept, to facilitate easy and smooth trafficking, and to thoroughly define the building or buildings and the surrounding space that result from the project. Peterka does not plan to transform the place in a dramatic way. He just wants to complement it, reform its context, and boost the specifics of the place, while revealing its generosity and potential and solving situations which he views as problematic.