

2019 Middlesex University London, UK
2018–2019 Drawing, AVU (Jiří Petrbok)
2016–2017 Intermediální konfrontace Jiřího Davida, UMPRUM
2013–2016 Painting 4, AVU (Martin Mainer)

About the work

What should people know about your work?

The painting cycle I am presenting as part of my diploma work should be seen as a selection of a small child’s views of – and relationship with – pornography, as well as sexuality per se; I would have no qualms about referring to it as some kind of moment of initiation into sexual life. The cycle is conceived as five different, chronologically ordered narratives based on real events leading to an uninitiated child’s incidental as well as intentional encounters with pornography and sexuality. With the aim of achieving authenticity, the viewpoint of the child is given priority: “I’m not painting a wolf; I’m painting a childhood memory of a wolf.”

How do you see yourself and your work five years from now?

I’ll have a cottage, a driver’s license and a firearms certificate; if someone says something negative about my work, I’ll run them over or shoot them. :-)