

2018–2020 Painting 4, AVU (Marek Meduna)
2014–2018 Painting 4, AVU (Martin Mainer)
2011–2014 PdF UP Olomouc, Výtvarná výchova pro ZUŠ – nedokončeno

About the work

Jakub Čuška’s work represents one of the contributions to the international style of figural painting, delineated by two poles – the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca and the German city of Leipzig –, which has recently been interestingly broadened by an array of art solitaires active in the geographic areas between the two. Čuška’s canvases, executed in a masterful style in which he is even capable of producing giant dimensions, are similarly filled with indistinctly somber atmosphere. They are usually based on the fusion of two disparate methods – on the one hand, it is illusional realism, on the other hand, they are amorphous, sketchy and unfinished. However, the main feature of his series is that the artist presents his figures as silhouettes, sometimes even filled with an unrelated motif. This symbolism, too, evokes disturbing associations, intentionally not concretized and leaving upon viewers to reflect their meanings into the paintings.