

2017–2020 Intermedia 2, AVU (Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Zahoranský)
2018 UMPRUM Praha, Hostující profesor (M. de Brugerolle)
2014–2017 FAMU Praha, Postkonceptuální fotografie (J. Thýn)
2016 ENSBA Lyon

About the work

Short movie Max the Weather Girl is a montage of stories and scenes offering a multi-layered narrative about a world which humankind keeps failing to live with in symbiosis. The story revolves between reality and fiction and follows from the anthropocentric perspective present in everyday situations: we may think to exist outside Nature and its processes, but Nature often surprises us by unexpected phenomena. The three tellers, sharing a memory of a well-known TV weather report moderator, present their own stories full of abrupt changes of meteorological conditions, their gardening experiences, and other troubles, when the world of humans and other spheres result in unexpected encounters.