A few months separate these two photos. During all that time, new graduation works originated in the four AVU buildings.

And all that time, the community of many people was preparing the conditions for the graduation works.

In the spring of 2022, we did not know yet if the response to the war in Europe would be to continue to study: if we should teach and study without interruption or better travel somewhere further east to bring things to people and people to us from the Slovak-Ukrainian border.

In the autumn of 2022, we did not know if it would suffice to keep the lights off in the studios late at night due to expensive electricity or close some parts of the school to save on heat.

The situation has not ceased to be unclear.

We already know that this is not a brief transitional period: we are still emerging from the impact of the pandemic and humanly, politically, and socially feel the prolonged occupation of the territory of a nearby country.

On our school grounds, too, we struggle to find the motivation to stick together and create. We insist on making art and architecture to resist external situations. What we already know is not enough. We are learning something we do not know yet. To teach and study art means to expand each other’s life options and to have choices.